Sunday, 1 December 2019


If you would like to store a vector in 3D space called Ray you should store two Vector3D: Unicorn Meta Zoo 9: Post as a guest Name. I do not understand however how getVector can return a vector which passes through the two given points. I assumed this to be because the vector initially is assumed to start at the origin and go through the designated point. Can someone clear up the logic behind Vector3d for me please and how it can represent an arbitrary vector in 3D space yet it only contains x,y,z? java vector3d

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For example, I am trying to program a function which calculates the distance between two points on a sphere:. Vectors can be useful for dealing with points.

I assumed this to be jsva the vector initially is assumed to start at the origin and go through the designated point. First of all I am having trouble with the concept of a mathematical Vector when being applied to a Vector3d. Every time the distance and direction of the line are the same you get the same vector. Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled.

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Now, Vector3d only takes in 3 arguments x,y,z in its constructor. Email Required, but never shown.

java vector3d

Is it safe then to definitively say vectors should not be used to vectkr3d points of intersection in 3d space? As I know Vector3D means a [x,y,z] starting from the origin. How can we ever have a vector which does not intersect the origin if the only attributes contained in Vector3d are x,y,z?

Java Vector3d And Vector Logic - Stack Overflow

Active 7 years, 6 months ago. You can't add two points in the same way. Since a vector is basically a "displacement" you can add a vector to a point to obtain another point.

Since a vector does not have a location, we can arbitrarily choose one of the points to be the origin. A vector is not a line; it is an entity with a magnitude and a direction. Sign up using Facebook.

java vector3d

So for this problem we do not need the location since all we need the vectors for is to find the angle. Post as a guest Name. I researched how to obtain a vector connecting two points:.

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Sign up using Email and Password. I do not understand however how getVector can return a vector which passes through the two given points.

java vector3d

I'm resigning as a moderator from all Stack Exchange sites, effective today. What it does not have is location.

If you would like to store a vector in 3D space called Ray you should store two Vector3D: Can someone clear up the logic behind Vector3d for me please and how it can represent an arbitrary vector in 3D space yet it only contains x,y,z? I understand a vector to be just like a line except it has a direction property. So vectors do work in this case. I researched how to obtain a vector connecting two points: Asked 7 years, 6 months ago.

Sign up or log in Bector3d up using Google. Unicorn Meta Zoo 9: Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information.

For example, I am trying to program a function which calculates the distance between two points on a sphere: You can represent a vector as the line segment between any two points:

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